MFSO Slideshow

MFSO-Chicago is the local chapter of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of over 3,600 family members who have loved ones serving in the Military and are opposed to the war and occupation of Iraq.

Our blog serves to keep our members and the public informed on actions and upcoming events in our efforts to bring about an end to the war in Iraq and ensure that our loved ones have the care they deserve when they return after serving their

Sunday, July 02, 2006

North Suburbs House Calls

150 House Call Post cards have been distributed to mail to Senator Obama and the 8th District incumbent, Melissa Bean. Thanks to Code Pink - Chicago and concerned Lake County Residents for your help. MFSO-Chicago has also sent several news stories highlighting the human cost of war to these lawmakers.

Since it seems that Representative Hastert's staff does not read the paper, I sent him a House Card letter and press clipping to identify one of Illinois latest casualties. Stacy had paid his DC office a House Call...and left a young staffer flustered when he was unable to give the names of the Soldiers who had died in Iraq the previous day. Sadly, the DOD has reported other Illinois casualties this week.

MFSO-Chicago participated in the North Suburban National Organization for Women's Meet the Candidates event to bring our message to incumbents and hopefuls alike. We will also have a representative at a gathering of peace groups meeting with Democratic candidate, Dan Seals later this week.

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