MFSO Slideshow

MFSO-Chicago is the local chapter of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of over 3,600 family members who have loved ones serving in the Military and are opposed to the war and occupation of Iraq.

Our blog serves to keep our members and the public informed on actions and upcoming events in our efforts to bring about an end to the war in Iraq and ensure that our loved ones have the care they deserve when they return after serving their

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Oak Park Peace Fair

MFSO-Chicago members Marge, Katy, Ginger and Gold Star Mom Rosemarie joined Georgia from MFSO Wisconsin at the Oak Park Peace Fair on September 10. The turnout was perhaps not as large as last year but perhaps it was due to the clouds and threat of rain that scared folks off.

There were several peace and political groups that had tables...and a few candidates and special political visitors stopped by. Code Pink, in lovely pink garb, offered to give Bush a "pink slip". We tabled right next to our favorite people Vets for Peace and Vietnam Vets Against the War. They had a tent (leave it to those military guys) in case of rain. Katie shared stories with people about her son Jason's long recovery. Marge took pictures (and more pictures - too many to post all but take a look at the slide show) and Ginger and Rosemarie greeted visitors to our table and talked with people - about the toll of war on family and service members. Rosemarie brought a picture of her son, Brian who died in Iraq after his helicopter was shot down by an RPG. The helicopter, used by the IL National Guard in civilian missions, was not armored for war and along with Brian, several others were killed as well.

Georgia was a featured speaker. And when she took the stage, the members of MFSO-Chicago stood with her - in solidarity. She spoke of her son, who suffers from PTSD and the lack of help he receives from the government who sent him to war. She also spoke of her friends...and ours who have lost family members in Iraq. We held pictures of a few of the many who have died or wounded in Iraq: Brian - Rosemarie's son, Stephen - Summer's son and Jason - Katy's son.

Along with the sadness we all feel when we gather, there was a tiny bit of joy since Georgia brought her grandbaby...a beautiful ray of sunshine in a cloudy day.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

MFSO-Chicago Visits CSNY

Laura and Marge from MFSO were honored to be invited to "table" at the Chicago presentation of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's Freedom of Speech Tour. The concert featured several of Young's songs recently released on the album Living with War along with many really great "oldies." During the concert, our MFSO members were able to go in and watch the performance.

Many who were attending the concert stopped by our table and picked up literature about MFSO, Vets for Peace, Iraq Vets Against The War and Vietnam Vets Against the War. Most comments were very positive although one young man decided to engage in a debate regarding Iraq and the need to "stay the course." In the end, we agreed to disagree about our positions and honored the committment of young men like my son and Laura's brother in serving their country. Pictures were not allowed in the concert venue, however, we did get a few of folks visiting us on their way in.

Friday, September 08, 2006

MFSO-Chicago Operation House Call Action

I was wrong to place my trust in Congresswoman Bean’s judgment or in her commitment to supporting the troops. Following a number of votes that providing continuing funding for the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan without requiring appropriate oversight and accountability, on June 16, 2006 the Congresswoman voted to “stay the course” in Iraq. For the members of the US Military and their families her votes mean broken contracts, delayed homecomings, inadequate supplies including basic needs like food, water and body armor while in combat, inadequate training for the actual situations on the ground due to a lack of equipment for training purposes and inadequate care for physical and psychological injuries sustained in battle.

Read more here

Friday, September 01, 2006

We Don't Always Chase Politicians

Most of what is done in MFSO is pretty heavy stuff. On occassion, however, we get to lighten up a bit and talk with like minded know the 60% of those American voters who actually believe that "Stay the Course" is bad for our country.

MFSO-Chicago members Laura and Marge will table at the Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young "Freedom of Speech Concert" on Sept 2. I have listened to the Young album "Living With War" often since its release. My personal favorite is the song "Flags of Freedom" which was written to honor Bob Dylan.

And on September 9, Katy, Rosemarie and Marge will participate in the second annual Peace Fair held in Oak Park. Georgia Stillwell, MFSO Wisconsin, another good friend who took House Call to Dennis Hastert, is scheduled to speak.

A smaller Eyes Wide Open exhibit will be at the Fair...a sobering reminder of why we work so hard to advocate for our loved ones both on the battlefield and here at home. Our small contingent includes the mom of an active duty Soldier now serving, a mom who just spent months supporting her son who was seriously injured in Iraq, a Gold Star Mom and a mom whose son returned from Iraq with PTSD.
Today, MFSO-Chicago went to an 8th District Debate taped for a Chicago radio station. It will be aired at 9:30 am and 9:30 pm on Sunday on AM 780 - WBBM. The debate was held at the Grayslake High School and the Government class from the school assisted in a variety of roles...including submitting questions for the candidates. It was very nice to see that that the schools in the district are teaching politics in action since we need a group of smart voters to help get us out of the mess that is Iraq.

The challengers arrived early and interacted with the students. As MFSO-Chicago understood someone to say, the Congresswoman remained cloistered in a "private" room with her campaign folks. Maybe she heard that we had more of those lethal flowers to deliver...this time peace roses in a pair of combat boots...and a quote on a card from a soldier currently serving. The quote said simply: "Time To Change the Course".

In any case, the Congresswoman hardly had time to exchange pleasant conversation following the debate before she left...likely to get on with her busy schedule...or was it to avoid, once again, facing a mom who has a kid living with her "stay the course" vote? Don't know. The school extended a very nice invitation for MFSO-Chicago to attend a reception held following the debate...but many of us in MFSO-Chicago have "other jobs" as it was off to work.

Since the Congresswoman didn't want "peace" roses, MFSO-Chicago gave them to the wife of one of the challengers...and gave that card to the students. Perhaps they will check out why that Soldier was quoted as saying "Time to Change the Course". The kids won't have to look far as the following story published today citing a Pentagon report to the Congress reveals. "Stay the Course" as MFSO has warned, is only going to lead to more deaths of US Troops and Iraqi civilians.

The core conflict in Iraq has changed from a battle against insurgents to an increasingly bloody fight between Shi'ite and Sunni Muslims, creating conditions that could lead to civil war, the Pentagon said in a report on Friday.

The congressionally mandated report provided a sober assessment of Iraq over the past three months, saying overall attacks rose 24 percent to 792 per week -- highest of the war -- and daily Iraqi casualties soared 51 percent to nearly 120.

The rest of the story which has been picked up by multiple papers can be found here.

It is all about accountability, Congresswoman. "Stay the Course" is a slogan that makes for poor policy. Nice commercials with happy business owners talking about health care insurance bills that haven't even been discussed in the Senate don't address the needs of all of the voters in the district. Internet safety is important...but so are the lives of those soldiers you voted to keep in harms way. And working on getting the basic equipment needed in the field through emergency supplementals has been pretty inneffective...and very costly for the taxpayers in the district.

It is Time to Change the Course. It is time to Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home Now and Take Care of Them When They Get Here. Responsible slogan...make it responsible policy....soon. Every day you fail to act to end the occupation of Iraq, an average of two more US Troops and hundreds of innocent Iraqi civilians die. Whose name are YOU willing to add to the growing list of casualties?

MFSO-Chicago will be back to ask that question again...and again until you answer. See you soon.