MFSO Slideshow

MFSO-Chicago is the local chapter of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of over 3,600 family members who have loved ones serving in the Military and are opposed to the war and occupation of Iraq.

Our blog serves to keep our members and the public informed on actions and upcoming events in our efforts to bring about an end to the war in Iraq and ensure that our loved ones have the care they deserve when they return after serving their

Thursday, September 14, 2006

MFSO-Chicago Visits CSNY

Laura and Marge from MFSO were honored to be invited to "table" at the Chicago presentation of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's Freedom of Speech Tour. The concert featured several of Young's songs recently released on the album Living with War along with many really great "oldies." During the concert, our MFSO members were able to go in and watch the performance.

Many who were attending the concert stopped by our table and picked up literature about MFSO, Vets for Peace, Iraq Vets Against The War and Vietnam Vets Against the War. Most comments were very positive although one young man decided to engage in a debate regarding Iraq and the need to "stay the course." In the end, we agreed to disagree about our positions and honored the committment of young men like my son and Laura's brother in serving their country. Pictures were not allowed in the concert venue, however, we did get a few of folks visiting us on their way in.

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