MFSO Slideshow

MFSO-Chicago is the local chapter of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of over 3,600 family members who have loved ones serving in the Military and are opposed to the war and occupation of Iraq.

Our blog serves to keep our members and the public informed on actions and upcoming events in our efforts to bring about an end to the war in Iraq and ensure that our loved ones have the care they deserve when they return after serving their

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Win At All Cost Dems

Following is the press report of our demonstration at BlueFest. It would seem that MFSO-Chicago and the Peace Partners friends aquired a mole!

Must mean we are important or something.
Group protests 'stay-the-course'

Frank Abderholden

MUNDELEIN — "I'm an equal opportunity protester," said Marge Haracz, a member of Military Families Speak Out.

The Mundelein resident was at a Democratic Party event Sunday called Blue Fest Rally For Democracy and she was targeting U.S. Rep. Melissa Bean, D-Barrington.

"I'm amazed with the stay-the-course mentality," said Haracz, whose son Ray, 21, is serving in Afghanistan. Her husband, Jay, handed Bean 48 carnations before the congresswoman left for another engagement.

Each carnation, half yellow and half white, represented a soldier from Illinois who has died in Iraq or Afghanistan.

"She was going to place them in some memorial park," said Jay.

Brian Herman, Bean's communications director, said the congresswoman dropped the flowers off at the Mundelein veteran's memorial at Route 176 and Hawley Street. The flowers were still there later Sunday.

Herman said Haracz, who has protested the war in front of the White House, also has criticized Bean over a procedural vote on how long a debate can last in the House of Representatives. On that issue, Bean voted with a majority of both Democrats and Republicans, he said.

"She doesn't support a timetable or the immediate withdrawal (of troops)," Herman said of Bean. She supports holding the administration accountable for training and the deployment of Iraqi security forces that will be needed "before we withdraw our troops," he said.

Haracz was not the only member of Military Families Speak Out at Sunday's rally.

Carolyn Quinn has a son, Collin, 24, in the Navy working inside a nuclear submarine somewhere in Middle East waters.

"That's all I get to know," said the Crystal Lake woman. But she says she supports Bean's re-election. Quinn said the MFSO has a motto: Bring them home now and take care of them when they get here.

"I want my son to be home now and I want Melissa Bean back in Washington come November," she said. "And I want Melissa Bean bolstered by a Democratic majority when she returns to Capitol Hill."

A number of Democratic candidates and officials spoke at Blue Fest, including U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Evanston, who voiced her support for Bean's re-election.

"I'm proud to be here and support Melissa Bean. We need 15 seats," she said, referring to the number of congressional seats Democrats need to have a majority. In her remarks she also blasted the Bush administration and Republicans saying that 67 percent of the country thinks there needs to be a new direction in Washington.

"The world is on fire and people are suffering," she said. "Democrats are on the rise. People regardless of party are fed up and you activists are going to be leading the way," she said to an ovation from the nearly 100 people gathered at the Diamond Lake Slough Park off Route 60/83.



We realized that the "Party People" were upset about the demonstration...but we think their problem should be with Congresswoman Bean and her failure to act to stop the dying in Iraq.

And can we all choke on that bit about "holding the administration accountable?" Thousands of lives lost and billions of dollars missing: Mr. Herman - get real!

When it counts, Bean fails to show up and be counted just like she has for her entire term on the subject of Iraq and real support for our troops. The peace people show up...shoot we visited the "Party People" all afternoon kind of like a nagging conscience.

And a mole...geez aren't we special?

Did you guess who the mole is? If not, stay tuned (we already know but we aren't telling). I believe that critter will likely show up again. Maybe next time our little mole will bring the Congresswoman with her.

Oh the Bean campaign folks who have been busy reading our blog instead of working - email us when the Congresswoman wants to talk. We gave you cards with the contact info. Have your people call our people as it were.

In the mean time, we will be seeing you around. We will be the ones holding the signs and maybe a pair of empty boots. The Congresswoman seems to think she is able to carry sll 2,631 pairs. We find that burden too great.

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