MFSO Slideshow

MFSO-Chicago is the local chapter of Military Families Speak Out, an organization of over 3,600 family members who have loved ones serving in the Military and are opposed to the war and occupation of Iraq.

Our blog serves to keep our members and the public informed on actions and upcoming events in our efforts to bring about an end to the war in Iraq and ensure that our loved ones have the care they deserve when they return after serving their

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Don't Be Fooled Again

As an unpopular Congress returns to DC to make decisions regarding our loved ones futures, one Gold Star Mom speaks out in response to a new "stay the course" campaign funded by Washington powerbrokers in a bid to shore up support for a war that the voters do not support.

Multiple, lengthy deployments, rising casualty rates among US Soldiers and dismal progress on meeting the Presidential benchmarks on "success" in Iraq are combining to further erode voter support ahead of a critical funding bill.

Our message is simple: Funding the War is Killing Our Troops. Support our Troops - Bring Them Home NOW and Take Care of Them When They Get Here.

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